Ria Shah

Ria Shah

“It was absolutely wonderful and heart-warming to see past pupils following such diverse careers, and having turned out to be such thoroughly nice people – a real tribute to St. Margaret’s.”

Years studied: 2009 - 2016

I left St Margaret’s in 2016 after my GCSES, which were a challenge due to my dyslexia. I then went to Brampton College in Hendon to complete my A levels and studied Psychology, Sociology and Geography.
I knew I wanted to pursue Psychology at a very young age and research interventions for those with dyslexia. I went to study at the University of Kent to do a degree. Here, I got involved with many research opportunities, and those experiences allowed me to move to New York to pursue a Masters Degree in Cognitive Science in Education at Columbia University.
I will now be completing an internship at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, where I will research early interventions for those with dyslexia.
